Website Design Letter of Agreement

The following is a letter of agreement between Digital Canvas, LLC (DC) and our CLIENT.

Work Hours/Days:
This agreement assumes work will be completed within the standard work week (Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). DC is closed on all major holidays and between Christmas and New Year’s.

Project Scope:
Our team goes to great lengths to keep clear documentation of all project details and scope. Should any additional project needs arise DURING an active project, they will need to be estimated separately from the initial quote and agreed upon by both DC and CLIENT prior to DC performing the work.

The work outlined in this agreement will be turned around within a reasonable, non-rush schedule. Late or weekend hours incurred to accommodate additional compressed deadlines, if needed, will incur a flat rate $100 rush charge per request. Our schedules assume timely review and response by CLIENT of all deliverables.

Client Representative:
CLIENTS’s representative (who was sent the estimate) has full authority to provide and obtain all necessary information and approvals throughout prospective projects. Kelly Green and CLIENT represent that they have full power and authority to enter into this agreement and that it is binding upon Digital Canvas, LLC and CLIENT and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

Client Responsibilities:
CLIENT will provide accurate, complete and timely information and materials to DC. CLIENT guarantees that they have all the necessary rights and ownership in such materials to permit DC to use them for the project.

Client Approvals:
CLIENT will approve and proofread all final designs, type, press proofs and test sites. DC will make all efforts to ensure that no information is misrepresented. However, CLIENT assumes all responsibility for content. CLIENT’s approval of all tangible materials and artwork will be assumed after the work has been submitted to CLIENT for review, unless CLIENT indicates otherwise in writing.

The CLIENT’S content, including pre-existing trademarks, shall remain the sole property of CLIENT or its respective suppliers, and CLIENT or its suppliers shall be the sole owner of all trademarks, trade secrets, patents, copyrights, and other rights in connection to them.

Client Changes:
In order to avoid errors, text changes and corrections will not be taken over the telephone if at all possible, but should be provided electronically. Any text with extensive changes must also be provided as marked up hard copy or PDF file, indicating the requested revised text.

Samples and Credit:
DC can use samples or photographs of the work created under this agreement and the name of CLIENT for publications, exhibition, competition, and other promotional purposes (such as DC’s website) once the project has been made public.

Invoicing/Payment Terms:
Payment terms are net 30 days. Our standard billing cycle is bimonthly, unless projects are deemed flat rate. Invoices are sent via email on or around the 1st and 16th of every month. Payment by credit card will incur a 3% processing fee. Hourly rates are provided upon request.

Consequences of Non-Payment:
DC reserves the right to suspend work and/or withhold issuing any project documents if invoice payments are not received within a reasonable period from invoice date. Our standard payment term is Net 30 days.

File Storage:
DC agrees to store all final electronic files created for CLIENT for a maximum of five years in our own archives. DC also agrees to send all native files and/or various file types of projects to CLIENT upon request.